Teddy Bears and Alcohol Don't Mix!
You've heard it for years, but it's time to pay attention: Teddy bears and alcohol don't mix. Teddy bears have to be very, very careful when consuming alcohol. A blood alcohol content of 0.01% will impair coordination, judgement, and concentration. Take into account the fact that stuffed teddy bears have no blood to begin with, and any alcohol they consume will give them a 100% blood alcohol content. This is big trouble for stuffed teddy bears. Keep them away from alcohol! The results can be disastrous.

“I don’t want to be lonely”
A remarkable topic!
this is my blog
it talks about Al-Qaida and how I think it as an american orgnisation
Al-Qaida an american orgnisation
I want to know your opinion and,
can we backlink each other?
too funny
-- P
happy blogging
I have heard the same thing about Alcohol and Bunny Rabbits!
If it is any help, my Grateful Dead bears don't drink at all. However, they just can't seem to get enough acid. hmmmmmmmm? Einar
Are the bears okay?? Did the police put them in the drunk tank? What happened? We need to know!
that's brilliant .. just came across your blog at random. Write some more!
I find myself in yours blog. but without to succeed to read yours written because I do not know the language.
but it has made it appeal to to make your acquaintance me.
Mine blog and of poetries, even if you do not have the poetico mind you want to visit it? thanks! I waited for to you. .lINA
hehehe, i have somethink like u have published, someday i'll put in my blog too!! very funny, hehe. Kisses from Spain!
Interesting. :)
Okay? Anymore interesting Facts?
apparently teddy bears and celebrities have lots in common!
useful topic!
HAHAHAHAHA, "any drinking will give them a blood alcohol level of 100%."
That's awesome. Good stuff.
LOL!! LOVE IT! I WANT MORE!! Quick question though---what do they do in the winter? Do they really "hibernate" or is it a cover-up for raves in caves?
Dear Friend
It's nice for me to have found this blog of yours. I read and saw what I could, my time is short.
I sure hope and wish that you take courage enough to pay me a visit in my PALAVROSSAVRVS REX!, and plus get some surprise with my work there. My blog is so cool! Don't think for a minute that my invitation is spam and I'm a spammer.
I often come across with so good but lonely blogs in my friendly random search,
my search for a public that may like or love what I POETRY write and also CHRONICLE,
among other types of Artistic Texts: we all search HAPINESS and JOY, don't we?
Well I'm realy happy to have found YOU.
I've learned and seen a lot after much more than 10.000 blogs I've visted in the late three months.
And I will, like Titanic's Kate, keep on and on and on and, like the song, feel that I 'Still haven't found what I'm looking for'.
When you come and visit me feel free to comment as you wish and, TOGETHER, let's make blogguing universal,
realy universal, as well all the essential causes that bring us all together by visiting, helping and loving one another this GENTLE way.
Let me tell you that some I visit feel invaded and ofended that I present myself this way in their blogs
and rudely insult me back or post a mockery post on me.
Some think I'm playing the smart guy who wants to profit in some way from (and with) others curiosity and benevolence.
Some simply ignore me.
Some aknowledge that It's most important we all take notion that there's milions of us bloguing arownd the world
and thus vital any kind of awareness of eachother such as I believe
this my self-introduction card and insert apeal brings in.
May you be one of those open and friendly spirits.
Don't feel obliged to come and visit me.
An invitation is not an intimation.
I think that in the end it's to UNITE MANKIND that we became bloggers!
When in my blogg don't see language as an obstacle but as a challenge
(though you can use the translater BabelFish at the bottom of my page!)
and think for a minute if I and the rest of the world are not expecting something like a broad cumplicity that you're a part of.
Remenber that pictures talk also and I have de most delicious ones.
I Hope this message of mine had helped you in some way.
See you soon, MY FRIEND.
May the LORD bless our HEARTS and fill them with PEACE AND MOTIVATION
to endure our Lives the best way we can.
If we want to prevent atrocious events like this from occuring, then we must act! Support my campaign mono2008.blogspot.com
Improve here your spanish! Café Bohemia
sad but real
The results of alcohol are always calamitous
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